東莞市東暘機電科技有限公司是一家專業研發、制造與銷售電綫電纜機械設備的高新技術企業。特别在微細綫絞綫機、微細綫卧式纏繞機、微細綫包帶機等微細綫設備領域積累了豐富的經驗。 公司以科技創新爲先導,以質量保證爲基礎,以售後服務爲立足,專業生産規格齊全的電綫電纜押出機系列,高速絞綫機系列,成纜機系列以及各種輔助設備。竭誠爲國内外電纜行業的發展提供優良的設備和價值的服務。 公司技術力量雄厚,加工設備齊全,檢测手段完善,售後服務及時。誠邀業内同仁光臨我公司考察指導。公司將以優良的品質,合理的價格,熱誠的服務回報新老客户的厚爱與支持。 公司始終把“誠信、求實、合作、創新”作爲企業生存與發展的基本宗旨,并以“今日品質、明日品牌”的企業文化爲公司的長遠發展設立了更高的目標,致力爲新老客户提供周到細腻的品質服務。同時也願真誠地與各界朋友合作,共同發展,共創美好前程。 DongguanToyoElectricalTechnology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise specialized inR&D.manufacturing and sales of wire & cable machinery and equipment TheCompany to technological innovation as the guide, based on the quality assurance, the customer service service based professional wire andcableproduction specifications extruder series, high speed wire machine series, a cable machine series andvarious kinds of auxiliary equipment. Provide equipment and excellent services for the development of cable industry home and abroad Company has strongtechnical strength, complete processing equipment, detection means perfect, after sale service in a timely manner. Invites the industry colleagues to visit my company guidance. Company will be excellent quality, reasonable price,sincere service return the love and support of new and old customers 企業理念 經營理念:一流的品牌、一流的質量、一流的服務、實惠的價格質量方針:全員參與,持續致力于産品改造,塑造一流品質; 精誠服務,永恒追求客户滿意,創造卓越信譽